Out There
- OUT THERE - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "Whispers in the Night," by basil Copper.
It's quite frightening to think about what's, "Out there". According to my recent readings in astronomy, our latest electron-telescopes have been able to look far deeper into space than ever before and discovered new galaxies of stars where once that particular area of space was assumed to be empty. Our universe is much larger than we had thought it to be, an uncountable number of galaxies has now been added to what was once already a universe of uncountable numbers of galaxies! Keep in mind that each galaxy contains billions of stars. It's mind-boggling!
But so is this . . According to scientist, Carl Sagan, a grain of salt just barely large enough to see without a microscope, contains 10 million billion sodium and chlorine atoms. That also boggles my mind!
And so does this . . . Again, according to Carl, the human brain is capable of knowing one hundred trillion bits of information. And that's only one percent of the number of atoms in a grain of salt!
So, after being mind-boggled by Carl Sagan's revelations into the wonders of the universe, I went outside one night to look at the stars . . .
And as I looked at them I wondered if, right then, there were any other thinking creatures standing on planets circling suns in remote galaxies, looking at stars in their night skies and wondering, like I am . . . if there are any other thinking creatures out there . . .
After that I came in and took an Advil . . .
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